
Mälardalen University | Sweden

Mälardalen University (MDH) is one of Sweden’s large institutes of higher education. The University is characterized by its close cooperation with companies and with the public sector in the region and by its distinct environmental profile.

At MDH, one of the strongest research environments is Embedded Systems (ES). ES has a strong national and international scientific position, where it consists of 17 collaborating research groups including 17 full professors, 11 visiting professors, 10 adjunct professors, 19 associate professors (“Docents”), 40 additional senior researchers (PhDs), 19 of which share time between industry and academia, 80 PhD students (of which 30 have completed a licentiate degree and 22 are industrial PhD students), and 7 supporting staff. In the past five years the ES research specialization has produced 1027 published peer-reviewed scientific papers, i.e., approximately 200 publications annually, several in proceedings of internationally leading conferences and journals. In addition, during these five years 44 PhD dissertations and 51 licentiate theses have been presented.

Over the last decade ES has established MDH as the leading research organization in embedded systems software technology in Sweden. ES consists of the six mutually supportive and cooperating focus areas that are supported by different research groups. In particular, the proposed research will be conducted within the Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (AI) research group at MDH. The group is focusing on foundational and applied research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems for both industry, medical and business applications. The research focuses on methods and techniques enabling learning, reasoning, experience reuse, and experience sharing. We work with both autonomous AI applications as well as decision support systems. The research group has a good publication record in highly ranked journals and conferences.

The research covers by the Intelligent systems group on adaptive methods and techniques for intelligent/smart systems and artificial intelligence enabling adaptation, learning, experience reuse, and experience sharing.



  • Project Coordinator
  • Leader in Lifelong Machine Learning with Human-Centered AI
  • Leader in Ethics Requirements
  • Major contribution in T3.1: State of Art – AI support in ATM
  • Major contribution in T4.2: Multivariate data analysis and transparent AI models

Deep Blue | Italy

Deep Blue is a research and consultancy Italian SME specialising in human factor, safety, validation and scientific dissemination. From its foundation, Deep Blue has significantly contributed to European research development, serving many European and international bodies. These include the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and the SESAR Joint Undertaking. The company operates in context with high security, dependability and resilience requirements, such as Air Traffic Management (ATM), Aviation, Railways Transportation and Healthcare. The main area of activity of the company is the analysis and evaluation of interactive complex systems, with particular focus on the interactions, integration and allocation of functions between humans, procedures and equipment. With a multidisciplinary team of specialists in human factors, cognitive psychology, interaction design and software engineering, DEEP BLUE is dealing with activities such as:

  • analysis, evaluation and validation of concepts and systems in transportation;
  • evaluation of dependability and resilience in socio-technical systems;
  • generation of innovative design concepts for interactive systems;
  • dissemination and transfer of research results.

Private Company

  • Leader in Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation
  • Major contribution in WP3: Identification of ATM tasks to be supported by XAI modules
  • Leader in Test and Validation
  • Leader in Ethics and Security

École National de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) | France

The Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) or French Civil Aviation University is a public institution under the supervision of the French Ministry of transport. Its mission is to provide ab-initio and further training for the executives and main players of the civil aviation world and do research in a variety of air transport related domains. ENAC Research Lab is organised in academic teams of research: optimisation, data economics and visualization, telecom, interactive Computing; in a set of transversal programs to monitor applied research: Safety and security, Sustainable Development and Drones; and two platforms: the Toulouse Occitanie Aeronautical Computer Human Interaction Lab (ACHIL) and the Toulouse Occitanie UAS Flying Arena.

ENAC offers a wide range of activities that are tailored to meet the requirements of the public and private sectors both in France and in other countries. Based in Toulouse, France, ENAC is one of the top universities in the world devoted to the aviation industry.

Since 1959 ENAC was the place where research activities in Air Traffic Management and Aviation were carried out.

As a civil aviation University, ENAC runs full-fledged ATC simulation with interconnected tiers (flight simulators, ATC positions), and has a long experience of interconnection of ATM simulation and research projects, thanks to various software platforms and its experience in GAIA and SVS simulators.

Research and Innovation are key for maintaining capabilities and competitiveness. ENAC has strong relations with Industry and SMEs for developing innovation. ENAC research roadmap is driven by the challenges of the coming years and decades. Sustainability, Performance, Safety and Security, globalization are among the main goals of our research activities.

Research is also a matter of exchanges and synergies: ENAC Research collaborates with other labs all around the world.


Public Institution

  • Leader of Multivariate Data Analytics and AI Model Development
  • Leader in Guidelines and Trainings
  • Main expertise provider with ATC/ATM
  • Main final users provider for the experimentations and validations in WP6
  • Main XAI most recent advances provider

Sapienza University | Italy

Sapienza University is the biggest University in Rome. The laboratories of Industrial Neuroscience, led by Prof. Fabio Babiloni, have produced more than 400 published papers since 1985 on peer-reviewed international scientific journals. All such publications are related to the recording and processing of biosignals (Electroencelography – EEG, Electrocardiography – ECG, Galvanic Skin Response – GSR) in humans, that represents the core expertise of the laboratory. The research group of Prof. Fabio Babiloni (hereinafter UNISAP team) has also been known internationally for its contribution to the advancement of neurophysiological signal processing and classification techniques, able to track, even in real time, the human mental and emotional states. The main experimental and industrial areas of application of such techniques are:

  • Neuromarketing: Test the level of awareness and liking related to advertising stimuli or website;
  • Customer Experience: Measuring the instinctive reactions to products, test of attention and emotion during Point of Sails experience, in front of product’s positions on shelves or of POS communication ads;
  • Monitoring Cognitive States in Operational Environments of high responsibility and stressed conditions (i.e.: helicopter and jet pilots, air traffic control operators, surgery trainees, car drivers);
  • Neuroaesthetics: Test of beauty perception visiting Museums and looking to Fine Art Masterpieces;
  • Medical Device Neuro Effects (i.e.: test of audio perception in patients with mono or bilateral cochlear implant).

The UNISAP team has been continuously involved in national and international frameworks, most of them within the European H2020 program, and some of them funded by SESAR Joint Undertaking.



  • Leader in Definition of specifications and State of Art
  • Main algorithms and expertise in biosignals processing and classification provider
Advisory Board

Eurocontrol | Belgium

Eurocontrol is a pan-European, civil-military organization dedicated to supporting European aviation. Eurocontrol supports their Member States and stakeholders (including air navigation service providers, civil and military airspace users, airports and aircraft/equipment manufacturers) in a joint effort to make aviation in Europe safer, more efficient, more cost-effective and with a minimal environment impact. Eurocontrol’s raison d’être is to support European aviation by delivering technical excellence and civil-military expertise across the full spectrum of air traffic management.


International Organisation