Second General Assembly Meeting

On the 30th of November and 1st December ARTIMATION attended its Second General Assembly Meeting, held in La Sapienza – University of Rome in a mixed modality of presence and remotely. All the Consortium partners were able to participate physically: representants from Mälardalen University (MDH), Deep Blue, La Sapienza and ENAC joined the meeting in […]
The ARTIMATION Project presented at the 11th EASN International Conference

On the 3rd of September 2021, the ARTIMATION Project attended the 11th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens, hosted online. The ARTIMATION Project ATCOs are currently supported by several technologies and automations. However, nowadays automation systems do not need to provide additional information on […]
ARTIMATION’s workshop – Definition of the Roadmap

During these past months, the ARTIMATION Project has been developing the XAI algorithms to support the ATCOs’ tasks that, according to workshop for task T3.2 – Prioritisation Workshop, would need more the help of XAI: AI optimises utilisation capacity and AI issues instructions. Two different tools will result from this task: a Conflict Detection and Resolution tool […]
Half-year update
Featured outcome In Air Transportation Management domain, AI and ML algorithms have shown increasable interest. Different AI and ML algorithms are used to provide decision support in autonomous Decision Making tasks, e.g. optimizing traffic flows. The most problematic consequence of supporting ATCOs’ Decision Making with AI/ML algorithms is that most of the time these automated […]
ARTIMATION Workshop – AI support to ATM tasks

On Tuesday the 6th of July, the ARTIMATION project held its first Workshop. The meeting lasted two-and-a-half hours and brought together different types of aviation stakeholders such as students, techs and controllers. Using the collaborative platform, participants had the opportunity to interactively produce a prioritization of the implications of introducing AI in ATM. More precisely, the […]
First half-year Consortium Meeting

On the 23rd of June ARTIMATION attended its first half-year Consortium meeting. The meeting took place on Zoom and involved all ARTIMATION Consortium: Mälarden University (MDH) as project coordinator, ENAC – École National de l’Aviation Civile, Deep Blue, Sapienza University and members from EUROCONTROL as external advisory board. Starting from the definition of specifications and […]
ATM Tasks to be supported by AI algorithms – Prioritization Workshop

ARTIMATION project aims at investigating AI methods in predicting air transportation traffic and optimizing traffic flows based on the domain of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), providing a proof-of-concept of transparent AI models that includes visualization, explanation, generalization with adaptability over time to ensure safe and reliable decision support. ATM Tasks to be supported by AI […]
About the project

Recently, Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have shown increasable interest in various application domains including in Air Transportation Management (ATM). Different AI in particular Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are used to provide decision support in autonomous decision-making tasks in the ATM domain e.g. predicting air transportation traffic and optimizing traffic flows. However, most of the time […]